Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions: This page contains answers to

common questions of students and parents.

How many books can I check out?

Students can get one book if they are first graders and two if they are
second through fifth. When research projects are going on I often will let
students check out more.

What if I loose my book?

If a book is lost or ruined students can pay for the book or replace it with
another one. The replacing book must be in really good shape. This book
does not have to be new but should look almost new. The sad part of this is
that the student can not check out other books until that one is paid for or

When do first graders get to take books home?

I ask first grade students to show me that they can remember to bring books
back from their classroom before they can take them home.

If I move away what should I do with my library books?

If you know your going to move, bring the books in to the library or
office. If you have already moved you can often ask your new librarian to
send the books back to me.

How many books are in the library?

Approximately 8500 books are in the Tillicum Library. That is not a lot
compared to others schools but it fills this little library right up.